Congratulations to all Business English participants! Die engagierten Teilnehmer/innen der Business English AG des Schuljahrs 2022/23 haben ein einwöchiges Intensiv-Sprachtraining mit zwei Muttersprachlerinnen gewonnen. Die Schüler/innen haben den Workshop der Sprachschule InterACT English, welcher sprachliche und kulturelle Begegnungen ermöglicht, während der Fahrtenwoche der 6er und Q2 absolviert. Einen (praktischen) Einblick in die Erlebnisse und Ergebnisse der Woche gibt der nachstehende Beitrag unserer Zehntklässler.
From 14th to 18th August 2023 the former Business English class participants of the 10th grade at the Julius-Stursberg-Gymnasium took part in a workshop organized by InterACT English being the price for impressive results at the TOEIC test. In this article we, the class 10b, will describe how the week passed and what different matters we dealt with. First of all, one must mention that we were separated in two different groups of 15 students, group 1 being led by native speaker Lydia from England and group 2 being led by native speaker Marla from Australia.
On Monday we had the pleasure to meet our group leader Lydia and got to know more about her through games like “Stand up if you…” or personal questions in general. Afterwards, she introduced us to a reaction game called “Splat” which we really enjoyed playing throughout the week. Furthermore, we played a game of general knowledge. Later on, we went outside to the schoolyard with the other group where we played an acting game in which the goal was to collect as many points as possible by creating different scenarios. At the end of the school day, we all went home with a smile on our face. -Michael Kosmidis
On Tuesday we started off by preparing presentations about different interesting topics, for example “the voting system”, “time travel” and “fashion”. Each group presented their topic and we discussed the fascinating and critical aspects of each theme. Afterwards, we started to create our own videos for the “democracy in action” module. In them we analysed important themes like pride parades and women’s rights. At the end of the day our group played a game which is similar to the board game activity. Therefore each person had to come to the front and describe a word by drawing, acting or explaining. Tuesday was a great day, because we learnt a lot of new and important stuff about the world and also had a lot of fun doing it. -Lina Gürcan
On Wednesday we started off as usual with some fun games and began working on our task to write an urban legend that should occur at a place in Vluyn like the church or the old railroad line. During a short break for an ice cream, we finished our legends and then went to the respective places. There we presented our results to the others and scared them a little. We ended the day with goosebumps and a full stomach. -Selma Serghini and Marie Wagener
On Thursday we came up with our own advertisements. Our product was a broom. Each group found very creative solutions to present their product. They presented it with the help of their acting and language skills, with which they tried to convince the audience. At the end there was a vote to decide which was the best product and who presented it the most convincingly. -Lena Héliès and Mustafa Dogan
On Friday, we played games in the morning to relax a little before our big presentation. We all wanted to present to Ms Engbers what we did throughout the week in the form of a Power Point presentation. In addition, we practised the performances, for example our advertisements. We showed one example and then an interviewer asked several questions. The transitions resembled a TV show with a host. At the end we made a quiz and took some group photos. -Emma Krücker and Lev Brauckmann
Overall, it was an awesome week in which we could expand our knowledge as well as practise our English speaking in various interesting tasks, while still having plenty of fun. Thanks to all participants, the native speakers and the school, especially Ms Klewer, who led the Business English course, for making this unforgettable week happen!
“I particularly liked talking to a native speaker and the structure of the week was also great. The games were fun and I liked being creative by making up an urban legend. I think throughout this week we have grown together even more as a class.” -Lara Franke
“I really liked how each day was different and how it got better and better every day. I also enjoyed that we always learned something new, but it was never stressing to us. My favourite day was Wednesday where we went to town and presented our own made-up urban legends. It was fun because we got ice cream and the task to write a story wasn’t overwhelming due to the fact that we had enough time and got a help sheet with some inspirations on it.” -Marlene Degener
“I found the week itself was really cool, all the activities and tasks were creative. I also found it nice to meet Lydia, our native speaker.” -Kamil Kaliszewski
“I found the week very relaxing. We learned a lot and the native speaker was very kind.” -Nick Bartylla
“It was very interesting to get into contact with an Australian and to learn more about the country and its culture.” -Luna Becker and Sophie Wilk (10c)
“The week was a great opportunity to speak English. You could use the things you have learned in English lessons. Even if you made mistakes, you’d know, it wouldn’t affect your grade, which makes you more confident when speaking.” -Bella Benninghofen